PTA Executive Board
Ashley Bradbury
Andrea Farber​
VP of Fundraising
Maytee Pabon
VP of Membership
Viviane Andrade
VP of Volunteers
Ashley Shiau
Michelle Hagins
Recording Secretary
Rosanne Esposito
Corresponding Secretary
PTA funded
Artificial Turf for School Playground
Student Planners
Principal Weekly E-Newsletter - parent communication
Generation Genius Science Resource Program
Reading A to Z
Scholastic News for K-4th
Music, PE, and Art Resources
Teacher Grants - support classroom needs, supplemental learning items for the classrooms and intervention/enrichment materials.
Mobile School Store - behavioral incentive program - students earn PTA bucks to use at store
Counselor’s Corner materials
5th Grade Bridging
School Clinic Supplies
Student Recognition Breakfast
Coffee and Kisses
Fall Festival & Veterans Celebration
Boosterthon Fun Run
Holiday Shoppe
Family Dance
Autism Walk
Back to School and Holiday Teacher Appreciation Luncheons
Teacher Appreciation Week
Spirit Sticks Program - Behavioral and Academic Incentives
Room parent program - supports teachers with individual classroom needs
Student Appreciation Celebrations
ECE Giving Tree​
Committee Chairs
Alessandra Gazzinelli
Teacher Appreciation Coordinator
Zol Lopez
Uniform Coordinator
Risa Epstein
Room Parent Coordinator
Lauren Hewins
Book Club Coordinator
Freeze Pops Coordinator
Mobile School Store
Who we are
The Eagle Creek PTA is a group of parents and teachers who work together to raise funds for school activities, recognize and support the teachers and staff, and provide funding for student resources. All of our efforts are for our students and school.
2017-2018 OCCPTA Diversity and Inclusion Award Winner
2017-2018 OCCPTA Health and Safety Award Winner
2017-2018 OCCPTA Building a Better Community Award Winner
2018-2020 National PTA School of Excellence
2018-2019 OCCPTA Outstanding Program of the Year - Autism Awareness Program Award Winner
2019-2020 OCCPTA Family Engagement Award Winner
2020-2021 OCCPTA Family Engagement Award Winner
2020-2021 OCCPTA PTA Unit of the Year
2020-2021 OCCPTA Multi-Media Award Winner
2020-2021 OCCPTA Principal of the Year Award - Mr. McCloe
2020-2021 National PTA School of Excellence
2022-2023 OCCPTA President of the Year - Ivory Rodante